Sunday, December 4, 2011

No More Whining...Maybe

      The last 2 times I have written I have been in a very bad mood, mainly from the fact that I hadn't had a cigarette.  Well I am in the beginning of my 5th day and I am feeling better.  But even that makes me nervous because I don't want to let my guard down.
      But soon I will be back in Yellowstone and I will have better things to write about then wanting  a least I hope I will.


  1. Yay - so glad you are feeling better! You got this.

  2. Yeah Ninner!! I am so proud of you :) You can do it!!!!!!!!

  3. Ninz, this is so great. Yay!!! It's also so hard. You da MAN. It's gotta feel like a long painful marathon. I'm so excited for you. I know you can do it. I hope tomorrow is better.
